


Panel Discussion 5 Cpd Points - On Demand
10 Cpd Presentations - On Demand
Access to Platform until end of June 2024

the Event

Welcome to the highly anticipated Wood You Like to Know 2 Online Summit, proudly hosted by Weathertex. Following the resounding success of our inaugural summit in September 2023, which saw hundreds of attendees, we're thrilled to invite you to another day of enriching discourse, valuable connections, and a deep dive into the latest trends and innovations in timber construction. Join us as we unite industry experts, professionals, and enthusiasts for a day of insightful discussions and exploration. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of shaping the future of the building industry.

Special Guest
James Treble

TV Presenter and visionary Interior Designer

Fresh from Milan Design Week, James will be ready to unveil the hottest trends straight from the heart of Europe.

Whyshould I attend?

  • Earn up to 15 CPD formal points before the end of the financial year, enriching your professional development portfolio.
  • Gain Expertise and Insights: Access exclusive insights from renowned experts, thought leaders, and industry pioneers, empowering you to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving field.
  • Experience Interactive and Engaging Sessions: Participate in live Q&A sessions, explore virtual booths, and engage with dynamic multimedia content, ensuring an immersive and interactive learning experience.
  • Stay Updated with Cutting-Edge Insights: Discover the latest trends, innovations, and advancements in the building industry, equipping yourself with valuable knowledge on emerging technologies, sustainable practices, design trends, and timber industry developments.
  • Expand Your Network and Collaboration Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals, peers, and industry leaders, fostering valuable relationships and exploring potential partnerships in a collaborative environment.
  • Enjoy Accessibility and Convenience: Attend the summit from anywhere, eliminating the need for travel and logistical challenges. Join sessions from the comfort of your home or office, saving time and expenses while maximizing your learning experience.


CPD Presentations On-demand

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Design & Build to Suit Your ABCB Climate Zone – AMETALIN

Presented by:  Craig Lumsden, Technical Manager  


  1. Demonstrating an understanding of the technical aspects and Compliance of Pliable building membranes
  2. Demonstrating an understanding the building envelope dynamics (Vapour Drive, Condensation, Ventilation)
  3. Demonstrating an understanding of ABCB Climate zones, where you are building, building systems / applications
  4. Demonstrating an understanding of recent changes to Condensation Management in the new BCA2022 Volume 1 & 2 Housing Provisions
  5. Demonstrating an understanding building membrane's role in mechanisms for condensation management and health and amenity


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire
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Fire Safety when using Timber Cladding - WEATHERTEX

Presenter:  Andrew Savage, A&D BDM

CPD PRESENTATION (On-Demand) - Presentation accredited by AIS.

Timber cladding is an increasingly popular choice for Australian commercial and domestic buildings due to its striking natural aesthetic, durability and low environmental impact. However, the strong fire-resistant qualities of timber are often unknown or poorly understood.

This presentation clarifies combustible and non-combustible materials, the science of how timber reacts in a fire, and the building codes in relation to timber cladding and compliance.


• Examine the nature of recent non-compliant cladding incidents
• Recognize the fire resistant properties of timber
• Describe in detail the DtS applications for timber cladding in the NCC


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire

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Condensation Management in External Walls - AUSTRALIAN THERMAL INDUSTRIES

Presented by:  Bruce Robb, Brand Ambassador & Building Advisor ATI

Achieve Best Practice in Condensation Management in Buildings in Australia.
The Problems, the building science and solutions available.


  • PC 28: "Be able to draw on knowledge from building sciences and technology, environmental sciences and behavioural and social sciences as part of preliminary design research and when developing the conceptual design to optimise the performance of the project"​​.
  • PC 33: "Be able to investigate, coordinate and integrate sustainable environmental systems – including water, thermal, lighting and acoustics – into the conceptual design"​​.
  • PC 39: "Understand how the integration of material selection, structural and construction systems impacts on design outcomes"​​.
  1. PC 45: "Understand processes for selecting materials, finishes, fittings, components and systems, based on consideration of quality and performance standards, the impact on Country and the environment, and the whole life carbon impact of the project"​​.


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire

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Coatings Enhancement & Maintenance of Natural Timber - INTERGRAIN

Presenter: Simone Gillies, Business Development Executive - Trade & Commercial Bus, Intergrain

Upon successful completion of this CPD webinar, participants will be able to demonstrate a general understanding of the following learning outcomes:

  • Understand the differences between timber oils, stains and clears
  • Understand the benefits of "pre oiled" timber * Identify & specify details for interior & exterior timber elements
  • Nominate quality and performance standards with regard to selected finishes
  • Understand the ongoing care and maintenance required of natural Timber


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire

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Circularity in Built Environment - WEATHERTEX

Presenter: Andrew Savage, BDM Architecture & Design NSW, Weathertex

Presentation accredited by Archify.

Globally, construction is responsible for an estimated third of the world's overall waste, and up to 40% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions. If we want to reduce the quantity of waste and emissions generated during the construction process, we need to take a closer look at the life cycle of the products we build with. It is becoming clearer that a transition to a circular economy is necessary to avert environmental disaster and mitigate the impact of climate change. The building and construction industry is crucial to this shift. At the end of the presentation attendees will be able to;

  • Understand the concept of circularity in design and construction
  • Identify and explain the three key principles of circularity
  • Define a ‘Circularity Score’ and identify high performing products
  • Know how to apply this new knowledge to your projects


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire

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Designing in Bushfire Prone Areas - ITI AUSTRALIA

Presenter: Ron Moon, Wood Modification Technologies Limited (presenting on behalf of ITI)

Key Learnings:

  • PC 12 Understand how relevant building codes, standards and planning controls apply across architectural practice, including climate change implications, the principles of fire safety, and barriers to universal access.
  • Provide independent, culturally responsive and objective advice in accordance with relevant building codes, standards, technical specifications and guidelines, and planning regulations, including climate change implications, across all aspects of architectural practice.
  • PC 39 Understand how the integration of material selection, structural and construction systems impacts on design outcomes.
  • Be able to integrate the material selection, structural and construction systems established in the conceptual design into the detailed design and documentation.


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire

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Environmentally Responsible Paint Coatings - DULUX

Presenter: Rod Vockler


  • Describe the green building standards & third party product certifications
  • Explain the relationship between green building standards & Third party product certification
  • Define the ingredients in pain industry key materials that may impact compliance to green standard/product certifications
  • Describe other life cycle considerations when evaluating paint coatings


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire
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Building Sustainability with Timber - WEATHERTEX

Presenter: Andrew Savage, BDM Architecture & Design NSW, Weathertex

Presentation accredited by Archify.


o PC 3 - Understand the principles of project planning, considering implications for Country, environmental sustainability, communities, stakeholders and project costs.
o PC 10 - Understand the whole life carbon implications of procurement methods, materials, components and construction systems.
o PC 28 - Be able to draw on knowledge from building sciences and technology, environmental sciences and behavioural and social sciences as part of preliminary design research and when developing the conceptual design to optimise the performance of the project.
o PC 31 - Be able to identify, analyse and integrate information relevant to environmental sustainability – such as energy and water consumption, resources depletion, waste, embodied carbon and carbon emissions – over the lifecycle of a project.
o PC 33 - Be able to investigate, coordinate and integrate sustainable environmental systems – including water, thermal, lighting and acoustics – into the conceptual design.
o PC 35 - Understand the operational and embodied carbon implications of chosen materials, components and systems.
o PC 39 - Understand how the integration of material selection, structural and construction systems impacts on design outcomes.
o PC 44 - Understand the roles and types of relevant consultants and suppliers as well as applicable construction terminology.
o PC45 - Understand processes for selecting materials, finishes, fittings, components and systems, based on consideration of quality and performance standards, the impact on Country and the environment, and the whole life carbon impact of the project.


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire
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Embodied carbon: How to identify and minimise the impact of materials without compromising system performance - KNAUF INSULATION

Presenter: Stephen Smith, Product & Systems Manager

Presentation accredited by BDAA.


PC35 : Be able to assess operational and embodied carbon implications of materials, components, construction systems and supply chains (including transport) to achieve net zero whole life carbon when developing design concepts. This includes integrating relevant consultant expertise and advising on the impact of chosen materials, components and systems on carbon outcomes.


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire
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The Pathways to Compliance - WEATHERTEX

Presenter: Andrew Savage, BDM Architecture & Design NSW, Weathertex

Presentation accredited by Archify.

Learn the Pathways to Compliance. During this formal CPD presentation, you will come to understand the six methods of documentary evidence accepted by the BCA/NCC and understand the difference between each method, and where they may be used. Using ABCB codebooks and handbooks as prime resources, this one of a kind presentation offers solid performance-based solutions, plus vital information regarding documentation, sustainability frameworks, product components, NCC accreditation, CodeMark Australia, the role of the engineer, Weathertex products fit for purpose, etc.


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire

Panel Discussions On-Demand

time icon2024-05-30 08:30 am

Welcome & James Treble Milan Design Week highlights

Jason O’Hagan, Managing Director of Weathertex will be welcoming attendees and interviewing James Treble, the dynamic TV presenter and visionary interior designer on his Milan Design Week trip. With a keen eye for style and innovation, James is your go-to source for cutting-edge design insights. Get ready to elevate your projects with James Treble's expert guidance and stay ahead of the curve in the world of building design.

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Jason O'Hagan
Managing Director, Weathertex

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James Treble
Presenter and Visionary Interior Designer

time icon2024-05-30 09:00 am

Discussion Topic #1: Affordable Housing Solutions

Let’s delve into the pressing issue of Affordable Housing Solutions in Australia. Our panel of experts will explore the intersection of urban development, policy frameworks, and community initiatives aimed at addressing the pressing issue of housing affordability. From sustainable urban planning practices to equitable policy interventions, we'll examine holistic approaches to creating accessible housing for all Australians. Engage with our panelists as they share insights, best practices, and real-world examples of successful affordable housing initiatives. Be part of the conversation driving positive change in housing affordability.  Reserve your spot now and contribute to shaping a more inclusive and equitable housing landscape for Australia.


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the live or on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire
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Dr Catherine Gilbert
Lecturer, University of Sydney

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Alan Takle
Executive Director, Nestd Developments Social Enterprise

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Emma Greenhalgh
CEO, National Shelter

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Jason Ross (HOST)
Managing Publisher, Wood Central

time icon2024-05-30 11:00 am

Discussion Topic #2: Modular Construction and Prefabrication

We’re diving into the future of construction with our panel discussion on Modular Construction and Prefabrication in Australia. Discover how cutting-edge technology and innovative methodologies are revolutionising the construction industry, offering sustainable, cost-effective, and time-efficient solutions. Our expert panellists will explore the benefits, challenges, and transformative potential of modular construction and prefabrication techniques. Engage with industry leaders and enthusiasts, ask your burning questions, and gain valuable insights into the next frontier of construction.


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the live or on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire
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Damien Grough
Executive Director, PreFab Association of Australia

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Nick O’Neill
Managing Director, Moov Modular

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Jerry Scott
Operations Manager, Uniplan

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Andrew Savage (HOST)
BDM – Architecture & Design NSW, Weathertex

time icon2024-05-30 12:00 pm

Discussion Topic #3: Sustainable Construction Practices

Embark on a journey into the forefront of sustainable construction practices at the Wood You Like to know 2 Online Summit. Explore the dynamic landscape of eco-conscious construction as our expert speakers unravel the complexities and opportunities inherent in sustainable building practices. From decoding the significance of third-party accreditations to navigating the challenges of greenwashing. Dive deep and engage with experts into the principles of the circular economy, passive housing, and smart living technologies, discovering how these concepts are reshaping the future of the built environment.


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the live or on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire
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Andy Marlow
Director, Envirotecture

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David Baggs
CEO, Technical Director & Co-founder, Global GreenTag International

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Ella Mudie
Market Engagement Lead - Green Building Council of Australia

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Sean Coddington
Managing Director, Sustainable Design & Construct

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Andrew Savage (HOST)
BDM – Architecture & Design NSW, Weathertex

time icon2024-05-30 01:30 pm

Discussion Topic #4: Latest Compliance & Regulatory Updates

Stay ahead of the curve as our panel of industry experts provides insights into the ever-evolving regulatory landscape shaping the construction sector. From current compliance standards to future forecasts, we'll explore the key trends, challenges, and opportunities impacting the Australian building industry. Gain valuable intelligence to navigate regulatory complexities, anticipate industry shifts, and adapt your strategies for success. Whether you're a builder, developer, policymaker, or industry enthusiast, this panel discussion is your opportunity to stay informed and empowered in the face of regulatory change.


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the live or on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire
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Simon Croft
Chief Executive – Industry & Policy, HIA

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Dr Harley Dale
Independent Economist

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Chris Knierim

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Grant Harrington
Director, Association of Australian Certifiers (AAC)

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Jason Ross (HOST)
Managing Publisher, Wood Central

time icon2024-05-30 02:45 pm

Discussion Topic #5: Innovative Approaches to Aged Care & Retirement Living

Our panel of experts is dedicated to creating vibrant and sustainable communities within the aged care and retirement living sectors. Discover how innovation and commitment converge to redefine the landscape of senior living, with a focus on enhancing quality of life while prioritizing sustainability. From cutting-edge design concepts to community-driven initiatives, we'll explore the transformative strategies shaping the future of aged care and retirement living. Gain valuable insights into creating environments that foster independence, dignity, and social connection for older adults, all while embracing eco-friendly practices and sustainable principles. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation driving positive change in aged care and retirement living.


Earn 1 Formal CPD.  Criteria:

  1. View the live or on-demand video in full
  2. Score 50% or more on questionnaire
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Andrew Savage (HOST)
BDM – Architecture & Design NSW, Weathertex

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Adrian Puljich
CEO & Director, GemLife

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Dr Marieh Barzegaran
Design Specialist, Ingenia Communities

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Mark Thomson
Architect & Director, Responsible Wood

time icon2024-05-30 03:45 pm

Closing & Drawing the $1,000 major prize

Jason O’Hagan together with James Treble will be drawing the $1,000 lucky winner and officially close the Wood You Like to Know 2 Online Summit.

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Jason O'Hagan
Managing Director, Weathertex

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James Treble
Presenter and Visionary Interior Designer



FAQFrequently Asked questions inquire

Yes, by registering you’ll need to select preferred ticket type to suit your requirements. Once you register you’ll obtain a login to the Wood You Like to Know 2 Online Summit platform.
The difference between the 2 types of tickets is that the $99 Gold Ticket will allow users access to the Exhibitors On-Demand Formal CPD presentations, hence been able to earn up to 15 CPD formal points. The $79 ticket allows only access to the 5 Panel Discussions both Live and On-Demand earning 5 CPD formal points.
To be eligible to win the $1,000 cashback any ticket holder needs to attend Wood You Like to Know 2 Online Summit LIVE on the 30th May 2024 and participate minimum in 3 panel discussions and 5 virtual exhibitor booths on the day.
Live Panel Discussions will be held in the Auditorium at relevant times according to Itinerary/Program.
In order to qualify for a CPD Certificate participants need to be actively live for the full session and obtain more than 50% scoring for related questionnaire.
Questionnaires for each Panel Discussion can be found in the Auditorium under the information section for each topic.
The OnDemand CPD Presentations and Questionnaires can be found in the Auditorium section. Select the “CPD Presentions On-demand” top tab and you will find all key learnings and links to questionnaires.
The Wood You Like to Know 2 Online Summit virtual platform with access to all exhibitors booths and On-Demand CPD presentations and videos will be available until Sunday, 30th June 2024.
No, ticket holders will only be able to login in once at a time. This is to track and comply with CPD formal certification criteria.
No, ticket holders cannot be transferrable as CPD certificates will be addressed to relevant ticket holder name and company. Tickets can be refundable subject to prior approval from Weathertex.
Every Friday from 31st May - 5th July